
Understanding how our products perform globally is essential for our growth. We can identify trends and make informed decisions by analyzing the sales data from our resellers in different countries in Asia, Europe, the USA, Australia, and many more. Let’s dive into the international sales landscape and see how our global distribution network performs.



Sales 1 

by Austin Distel


In North America, our resellers have experienced steady growth. The United States remains our largest market, contributing significantly to our overall sales. Canada is also showing promising trends, with sales increasing year over year. This growth will be attributed to solid marketing strategies and a well-established distribution network.



Europe is a diverse market with varying performance across different countries. Countries like Germany, Greece, Poland, the Netherlands, Benelux, and the United Kingdom have led Western European sales. Customers are looking for quality and won’t find a better product in this Niche than BIQE, Batch Image Quality Enhancer. And the price is excellent.

These markets are mature, and our resellers have a strong presence there. However, we are seeing emerging opportunities in Eastern Europe, particularly in Poland and Hungary, where sales are beginning to pick up.



Asia presents a dynamic and rapidly growing market for our products. China and India are the standout performers, with resellers reporting significant sales increases in these countries—other countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Qatar, and Japan, also show strong performance. Our success in Asia is due to localized marketing efforts and partnerships with critical resellers who understand the regional market nuances.


Latin America

Latin America is another region with diverse market dynamics. Brazil and Mexico are the top regional performers, driven by high demand for our products. Resellers in these countries have effectively tapped into local markets, helping boost our sales. However, other countries in the region are still developing, with potential for future growth.


Middle East and Africa

Sales 2

by sutra budiman


The Middle East and Africa offer unique opportunities and challenges. In the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are the leading markets, with resellers experiencing steady growth. In Africa, South Africa is our most robust market, but other countries like Nigeria and Kenya are beginning to show promise. Our focus is building solid relationships with local resellers to ensure long-term success.


Australia and Oceania

Although Australia and Oceania are more diminutive in market size than other regions, they have consistently performed. Australia remains the primary market, with resellers reporting stable sales figures. New Zealand also contributes to our overall sales, albeit on a smaller scale. The key to success in this region has been maintaining a robust distribution network and providing excellent customer support.


By analyzing the sales of our resellers in different countries, we gain valuable insights into our global performance. This information helps us tailor our strategies to serve each market better and ensures we continue growing and expanding our international footprint.

Do you have any questions about our international sales? Please get in touch with us for more information.

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Contact: Saher Sobeid

PJ Intercare

All-Rich Digital

Contact: Tan Chao Chi


Metrin AG

Contact: Philipp Meier


Contact: Rob d’Haen

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