
Why do we have a video page?

Our BIQE videos are support and instructional videos on document digitization, pre-and post-processing, scanning, OCR, output, and more.

In today’s digital age, having a website is essential for any business or organization. However, more than simply having a website is required. We need to optimize our site with engaging content to engage you as visitors and convert you into customers. One powerful way we do this is by including this video page. Here’s why we have a video page on our website.


Enhancing User Experience


by Jakob Owens

A well-designed video page can significantly enhance your user experience. Videos are more engaging than text and can quickly capture your attention as visitors. Videos provide an easy way to understand our products, services, or messages without reading through long paragraphs. Videos are essential in an age where attention spans are getting shorter. By offering this video content, we make it easier for you to consume information, which can lead to a more enjoyable and memorable experience on our site.


Improving SEO

This video page on our website will also improve our search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer diverse content types, including videos. Adding video content to our site increases the chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, videos can increase the time you, as visitors, spend on our site, which is another factor that search engines consider when ranking websites. The longer you stay on our site, the better it looks to search engines, ultimately boosting your SEO.


Increasing Engagement

Video content is highly shareable, making it a powerful tool for increasing engagement. When you, as visitors, find our videos exciting or valuable, you are more likely to share them on social media platforms, which can drive more traffic to our website and expand our reach beyond your already existing audience. Moreover, videos often encourage comments and interactions, fostering community among our visitors. This increased engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and a stronger connection with our audience.


Showcasing Our Brand

Why do we have a video page?

A video page allows us to showcase our brand dynamically and visually appealingly. Whether through our testimonials, behind-the-scenes looks, or product demonstrations, videos can convey our brand’s personality and values more effectively than text or images alone, which helps to build trust and credibility with you as our audience, making you more likely to choose our products or services over competitors.


Simplifying Complex Information

Some concepts or processes are too complex to explain through text alone. Videos can simplify complex information, making it easier for you to understand. Video content can break down complicated topics into easily digestible segments, whether we demonstrate how a product works, provide a tutorial or share important updates, which helps educate our audience and enhances your overall experience on our website.


In conclusion, a video page is a valuable addition to any website. It enhances user experience, improves SEO, increases engagement, showcases our brand, and simplifies complex information.

Latest video: BIQE Handwritten Text Recognition Software (HTR)

YouTube video

Let's start with our user-friendly interface

YouTube video

API driver for all ImageAccess Scanners

YouTube video

BIQE pre- and postprocessing digitizing software

YouTube video

Export your different file types with one mouse click

YouTube video

BIQE Content cropping (only in the PRO-duction version)

YouTube video

BIQE OCR Server with Hotfolder for folders and files

YouTube video

Re-scan or insert an image

YouTube video

Auto-rotation and auto-deskew

YouTube video

BIQE ontzorgt. Niet alleen als het gaat om het scannen van documenten, maar ook door oplossingen op maat te bieden. Vraag het ons gerust.